All about me!

Hi guys i’m Sydney how are you? So this is going to be all about me.

I love Theater and Volleyball and Singing the most . Writing isn’t my favorite but I choose to do it because a reader is a writer! I love to style people’s hair and I’m super good at cooking. Another thing I love to do is singing I sing at church for people and I am in plays. I love the Bengals and Ohio State. But those are things most people like but I am different I like weird things like…..  Feeling the burn in my stomach during my 215 sit ups that I do at gymnastics and eating apples with cheese( it’s really good you should try it). So I like writing a lot but the reason I said it’s not my favorite is because I LOVE to read so it overpowers writing! My new year Resolution is going to be to try to write better and see if that helps me…. I hope you love my blog bye!!